ASSEMAE’s Congress and National Sanitation Fair 2022

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ASSEMAE – National Association of Municipal Sanitation Services

ASSEMAE is a non-governmental, non-profit organization, created in 1984. The Entity seeks to strengthen and develop the administrative, technical, and financial capacity of municipal sanitation services responsible for water supply, sewage, solid waste management, and urban drainage systems. Learn More


ASSEMAE’s 50th CNSA took place in Porto Alegre from May 9 to 13, 2022 and discussed perspectives for the regionalization of sanitation. Law 14.026/2020 was analyzed by experts from different institutions. On Wednesday (11/5), about three hundred participants in ASSEMAE’s 50th National Sanitation Congress (CNSA) followed a debate that brought together guests to discuss the regionalization model of basic sanitation foreseen in Law 14.026/2020. Learn More

ASSEMAE’s congress schedule

See here the papers presented at ASSEMAE’s congress.

ASSEMAE’s Sanitation Fair

The fair was structured with 54 exhibition stands. See here the exhibiting companies.

Alfacomp at ASSEMAE’s Sanitation Fair

Alfacomp was present at ASSEMAE’s Sanitation Fair, presenting the new technologies for automation and telemetry of sanitation.

Alfacomp presented WATER AND WATERSEWAGE TELEMETRY with LoraWan

It is an electronic automation, monitoring, and control system for water and sewage reservoirs and pumping stations, WTPs (Water Treatment Plants), WTPs (Sewage Treatment Plants), and other points of interest such as Boosters (Pressurization Stations), VRPs (Pressure Regulator Valves), and pressure and flow measurement points in the treated water distribution network. All the control takes place in the CCO (Control and Operation Center).

LoraWan technology in sanitation telemetry

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Why deploy telemetry with LoraWan?

In a municipality without a telemetry system, it is the population that notifies the water and sewage company when a supply failure occurs.

The automation and telemetry system with LoraWan is required for:

  • Guarantee the supply of the population;
  • Monitor in real time the operation of pumping stations, reservoirs, flow meters, and other electrical and hydraulic devices in the system;
  • Store and present historical data on the quality of supply;
  • Alarming leaks, operating failures, equipment failures, intrusions, abnormal values of levels, pressures and flows;
  • Prevent and minimize losses;
  • In short, to guarantee the quality of the services provided.

What is LoraWan technology?

LoRa is a wireless technology, just like Wi-Fi, LTE, NB-IoT, and others. Its potential is infinite and it was created for its application in IoT. LoRa derives from(Long Rangewireless communication). Among many of its advantages is the wide coverage range and low power consumption it provides. It is the perfect choice for solutions that require low data bandwidth and long-lasting standalone operation, as is the case with sanitation telemetry.

What is LoraWAN?

is the network protocol that uses Lora technology. This protocol is the top layer of LoRa communication, and uses Media Access Control (MAC). LoraWAN is the software layer that defines how connected devices use LoRa technology.
defines message formats and how messages are exchanged between network components.

How does telemetry work in sanitation with LoraWan technology?

The telemetry system is composed of remote units and a CCO (Control and Operation Center.

Equipped with computers and monitors, the CCO allows the operation team to supervise and control the operation of the entire municipal water supply system. From the operation center, it is possible to automatically and manually control the operation of elevators, reservoirs, boosters, valves, gates, macro flow meters, and any other electromechanical device. All communication is via radio.

The communication between the remote units and the CCO is done by applying Lora gateways that transmit and receive data from the cloud
LoraWAN cloud
cloud, through public or private communication hubs.

Remote reservoir telemetry unit with LoraWan

The most usual way to guarantee the water supply in a neighborhood or region of a municipality is to build reservoirs on elevated points in the area, or to build elevated reservoirs when the region is flat. The water is conveyed to the consumption points by gravity and the municipal supply system’s mission is to keep the reservoirs supplied.

LoraWan technology in sanitation telemetry

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Lift Telemetry Remote Unit with LoraWan

It is the water lifting station ‘s job to keep the reservoir supplied. To do so, the reservoir level information must be transmitted to the elevator so that it, in turn, commands the operation of the motor-pump groups in order to keep the reservoir level within the predefined operation levels.

The level information of each reservoir is passed to its respective pumping station by the radio communication system, centralized in the

In this type of configuration the reservoir will have two levels(set points) predefined by the operation:

  • Start level: The on level is lower than the off level and is that level, which when reached, indicates to the lift control logic that the pump motor group should be turned on.
  • Off Level: The off level is higher than the on level and is that level, which when reached, indicates to the lift control logic that the pump motor group should be turned off.

LoraWan technology in sanitation telemetry

LoraWan technology in sanitation telemetry

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The figure above shows a typical topology of a treated water lift in a municipal treated water distribution system. The diagram shows the basic components of a lift consisting of two pump sets, main and standby, and also shows the reservoir supplied by this lift, which may be kilometers away from the lift.

Telemetry panel with LoraWan

The following figure shows an example of a remote telemetry unit used in lift station and reservoir automation.

LoraWan technology in sanitation telemetry

LoraWan technology in sanitation telemetry

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Other important sanitation fairs

FENASAN – National Fair of Sanitation and Environment

ABES – Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental – Courses and Events Calendar

Read more

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